
60 Ways To Cultivate Kindness

Monday, June 03, 2019

Human Kind

'Ah kindness, what a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world.'

Kindness is that little piece of magic, no matter how small or grand, which can completely transform someone's day and even life! I wish I could be always kind. I wish I was a person that no matter what, exuded a forever aura of thoughtfulness, generosity and peace; yet of course, we are all human and nobody is perfect. No matter how hard we try, we can't be perfectly patient and always altruistic. The world is in constant flow and thus there will be ebbs which startle our acquired harmony and we can turn into the antithesis of kindness...(forever learning how to smile and still send love to those who chew with their mouth open or whisper WAY too loudly at the back of lectures heheh). Perhaps however, instead of trying to surmount the task of flawless philanthropy, I, and you, could instead adopt a more meaningful method of spreading tenderness in a way that is full of intention, love, grace and sincerity and which avoids the self inflicting guilt that comes with not being able to maintain the standards of a wholly humane human.

Random acts of kindness (RAKs) are a win win situation for everyone. It makes both the giver and receiver feel amazing! I try to do at least one RAK a day whether it is something as simple as texting my friend a positive quote or making my parents a cup of tea. There are hundreds of ways you can express kindness towards someone today, and, every single day! Kindness, however, is not a solely external act of love. It's easy to be lovely and caring towards others, yet we often forget that we too must learn how to be kind to ourselves. I have compiled a list of 60 extremely simple and sweet sentiments which you can smoothly and swiftly perform whenever you feel like spreading the grace of goodwill. 'You can't pour from an empty cup' which is why this list also contains some simple ways of self loving! I am sure there are probably lots of lists out there like this on the internet but here are my favourite most simplest yet sweetest ideas. I also have included many links to older blogposts which are related to certain topics below. RAK and roll babies, I hope you enjoy!

60 Ways to Cultivate Kindness

1 Ring your best friend and tell them you love them.
2 Make someone a cup of tea.
3 Allow someone to skip you in the queue.
4 Smile at a stranger.
5 Use the Forest App to boost your productivity and plant trees, save the earth man!
6 Pay a visit to someone you haven't seen in a while.
7 Make an extra plate of dinner for that person who lives alone.
8 Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in the queue.
9 Leave a little love note for your loved one in their pencil case or lunch box, where they will stumble upon later in the day.
10 Sign a friend (and yourself) up to Notes from the Universe.
11 Send someone a text that you are thinking of them.
12 Offer to help someone with something eg a younger sibling with their homework or your father in the garden.
13 Say a prayer for someone/send love their way.
14 Write a postcard to a friend faraway.
15 Buy an extra parking space ticket thing and leave it in the machine for someone.
16 Pick up a piece of rubbish on the ground.
17 Wash out and recycle that plastic that you know can be recycled yet never partake in the hassle of it. (Join REPAK's team green and see what you can do to help our planet).
18 Post an inspiring sticky note on the back of a bathroom door or mirror.
19 Share an inspiring quote to your friend.
20 Give someone a compliment that has nothing to do with their appearance.
21 Write an encouraging, hopeful, inspiring anonymous letter and leave it for a stranger to find.
22 Hold open the door for someone.
23 Help someone pack their bags at the checkout.
24 Surprise someone with a bunch of flowers.
25 Protect your heart and mind from potential pain eg don't talk to that person if you feel bad whenever you leave them, don't go to the party if you are exhausted after work.
26 Say I love you to yourself if you begin to internally compare yourself with others.
27 Donate your clothes to charity.
28 Use Ecosia for your internet browsing and plant a tree with every 45 searches.
29 Start a conversation with someone who looks lonely.
30 Do a chore for someone.
31 Surprise your office/class mates with baked cupcakes or treats.
32 Pack someone's lunch for them.
33 Leave the person serving you a generous tip.
34 Post a positive quote online.
35 Put your spare change in a charity box.
36 Give someone your favourite book/movie.
37 Send someone a card for an occasion or just because.
38 Give up your seat on the bus/train for someone.
39 Write someone a list of all the things you love about them.
40 Truly listen to someone and engage in meaningful conversation.
41 Put out seeds for the birds.
42 Create little care packages and give them to your loved ones or yourself.
43 Use a reusable mug for your morning coffee.
44 Check if you can buy that gorgeous outfit second hand (and cheaper) on Depop.
45 Send a thank you email to a person, company, brand, blogger etc who have had a positive impact on you.
46 Make someone giggle.
47 Write a gratitude list of all the things you are grateful for today.
48 Make a music playlist for someone.
49 Text someone good morning and that you are glad they are on this earth.
50 Give someone a hug.
51 Say something nice about the person that others are gossiping about.
52 Forgive a past hurt.
53 Apologise, make a mends, say sorry and truly mean it.
54 Change a negative conversation topic to something more hopeful and loving.
55 Delete social media, even for a day, it will give your monkey mind a much needed little break.
56 Walk down the street with eyes of compassion rather than with spectacles of judgement; witness an altering perspective of the world through the lens of love.
57 Swallow your complaint and give thanks instead.
58 Give extra thanks to someone for something they do everyday eg the postman.
59 Ask that person you see everyday how they are and truly mean it eg the man who you always see on your morning train, the lady who always serves you coffee.
60 Grant yourself the love you so graciously give to others.

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, can change the world.

We can all be a little more kinder, so why not start today? Why not try to complete every single RAK on this list and 60 days later witness the accumulated joy in others through your affection but also experience the effect it has on you! Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you can be extra kind to yourself today. Please leave any suggestions or questions below in the comments section. Thank you so much for reading!

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 lots of love & peace & happiness

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  1. Lauren I just wanted you to know how much of an inspiration you are, what you have gone through, and how you use it to enable yourself and others to be stronger and happier is incredible! I’m writing this comment anonymously because I want you to know that you help so many people, not just me. If you ever need support you have friends who you can turn to, just as others turn to you, keep on helping others, and more importantly, keep helping yourself!

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