
Self Care

Friday, July 20, 2018

'Self care is giving the world the best of you instead of what's left of you.'

Self care is defined as any activity that we engage in to protect and nurture our physical, mental and spiritual selves. The idea of self care can be tricky to accept..why should we give to ourselves when there are so many things that we should be giving to and helping instead?! I, with you, am trying to learn every day that self care isn't selfish, it is rather in fact a critical necessity to our basic modern day survival. In order to give to others, we must first fill our cups so we can pour. 'When you take time to replenish your your spirit it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.' 

Below are some of my ideas on how you can self care and tips on how you can create your own self care routine.

Back To Basics
A common myth surrounding self care is that in order to be caring towards ourselves we must have a bubble bath with candles and roses while listening to Bon Iver. While that sounds so beautiful, self care can actually be very simple yet extremely worthwhile and effective. During my time in hospital I recognised one recurring piece of advice that was driven into each and every patient no matter what their diagnosis, and that was the importance of carrying out ones routine necessities. When someone is down or sick, one's very basic needs can be neglected and the thought of catering to them can seem really hard. There are some activities unique to each and everyone of us that we need to undertake every single day, week or month in order to lay the basic foundations of which we can fully function and thrive. Tending to your basic requirements often and regularly can do such magic for your self love and mindset. Have you ever felt just horrible within yourself to realise that you haven't drank a glass of water all day? Or perhaps you may feel really disorientated and confused to only then recognise that you haven't cleaned your living environment in a week? When you ensure that your basic human needs, specific to the unique lovely being that you are, are met you may just be able to proactively prevent future sadnesses and lows. I would suggest getting a sheet of paper and dividing it into three columns. In the first column write out what you need to do every day in order to ensure you are granting yourself the opportunity to live your optimum life; it could be to have a shower, brush your teeth, feed yourself regularly, make your bed etc. On the second column think about what traditions you need to carry out each and every week; perhaps it is to go grocery shopping, attend your appointments, take out the bins etc. Use your last column for monthly requirements that you believe will benefit your basic existence; maybe you need to ensure you get your health monitored or deep clean your house each month. It may feel silly at first to write out such seemingly simple activities but you would be astounded at how our own minds can trick us into avoiding such practices and thus make us suffer due to their lack. I found a gorgeous self care planner here on Etsy that may help you towards creating and organising your specific requirements.

When I think of self care I imagine solitude and confinement which at times is so well needed and lovely, especially if you're an introvert like me lol! However, we are a human species and we need connection. Many studies have proven the benefits and human requirements of love, affection, companionship and friendship. My beautiful boyfriend always reminds me that 'no man is an island', we can't enjoy nor survive this journey called life alone! Real human connection is such an important aspect of self care so try your best to mingle at musters a few times a week; meet up with your best friend for a coffee, pop over to your neighbours for some sugar and a catch-up or plan a school reunion! Of course while social media is so amazing for staying in touch with those we love and adore, it is important for us all to remember that we are a species that need real physical human unity. Did you know that the physical act and connection of hugging someone for at least seventeen seconds releases special endorphins in our bodies? Snapchat selfies can't do that sadly so if you live far far away or don't get to see those you love often please try and connect somehow. Join a new club or perhaps instead of taking your coffee to go, sit down and relish in the human spirits surrounding you!

Go Natural
Nature boosts happiness levels, aids creativity, reduces stress, eases anxiety, boosts concentration and performs a million more miracles. Many believe that nature is intrinsically connected with the rhythm of our bodies, spirits and minds. A breath of fresh dewy morning air, a splash of cold ocean water, a prickle of a sharp rose thorn and a gaze at the evening's sunset remind us what it is like to be rawly and truly alive. Every little problem seems so small and insignificant when we look up at the sparkling night sky. Through organic natural self care we can feel both humble and content while also treating each of our senses to the earth's delights.
Treat Yo' Self
Did you know that under government law, the most reasonable and basic standard of living is one that meets not only your physical, psychological and social needs but is also one that meets your leisurely recreational needs too?! That basically means we kind of have to treat ourselves or else we're denying our rights and that just wouldn't be fair heheh! Seriously though, you deserve to really splurge on yourself every once in a while to truly take care of yourself. You deserve to buy those really nice pair of shoes and you deserve to have a few drinks with your friends and you deserve to get your hair done. If you can't be kind to yourself who can you be kind to? 

'Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light'. There are much darker things than work, study, labour and chores but perhaps they may be the most gratifying part of a self care system. You may hate spending hours completing maths homework, walking home in the winter hail showers and getting up at 6 am for your morning commute but yet you still do it...because each of us loves the light that comes after such darkness. That first sip of tea after a hard day at school, that moment your head hits the pillow after hours of never ending travel, that sparkling clean floor after hours of scrubbing...they all make any agony and pain worth it! In terms of self care, perhaps if you incorporated one thing you absolutely hate to do into your routine, you may just transform into a happier more wholesome being. 'Eat the morning frog', a famous idiom commonly used by motivational speakers today, meaning to make the very thing you least want to do, the first thing you do each day. I promise it will reward you with pride, gratification, motivation and a productive self care routine!

Be Childish
'By staying open minded and listening to the needs and desires of your inner child, you open yourself up to the possibilities of anything and everything.' Would you deny a little baby the right to play, rest, cry, eat or sleep? Why are you denying your inner self that? Many philosophers believe that we hold within us our young soul and continue to harbour its desires, beliefs and responses. When creating your self care routine imagine a small child and think of all of the things that that little boy or girl deserves and needs. Just because you may be an adult doesn't mean you should not be allowed to play and rest and maybe even throw tantrums every once in a while! We are so hard on ourselves to be busy, as a society we have almost come to measure one's self worth based on their levels of productivity and hence we are running ourselves too thin and burning out. It's difficult but we really must try to allow ourselves to be human and listen to our inner child's needs. Run if you want to run and colour if you want to colour.  You many not be able to paint like Van Gogh but oh my gosh if swirling colours fills your heart with love then I beg you to listen to that little child within and give to it what it wants and needs. 

With every act of self care your authentic self gets stronger, and the fearful, critical mind gets weaker. Every act of self care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side. I am on my side, each day I am more and more on my own side.

Do you have a self care routine? What do you like to do to care for your beautiful self? Feel free to let me know in the comments below or anonymously in the ASK section of my blog (it makes my day getting such kind lovely messages from you, it means the world that these posts are helping people). I hope this post has helped you to understand the importance of caring for yourself while filling you with inspiration of how to too!
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I hope you enjoyed!
lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x

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