
How To Climb a Mountain

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Overcoming Obstacles

'If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options. You can climb it and cross to the other side. You can go around it. You can dig under it. You can fly over it. You can blow it up. You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there. You can turn around and go back the way you came. Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.'

Here are some things I focus on to help me climb my mountains. I hope they help you too, whatever your 'mountain' may be.

'It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.'

Take Baby Steps
Have you ever heard of someone climbing Everest in a day? Just like experienced mountaineers, we too can not expect ourselves to race up our 'mountains' just because we may expect ourselves to be capable of dealing with it or because we may see others who can overcome their own difficulties. A lady once told me, 'Baby steps Lauren, don't worry about the thought of running before you can even walk. Take each challenge as it comes and focus on the task at hand. Baby steps, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time and you will climb your mountain'. As you slowly inch forwards, focus on each step you are taking with all of your awareness and attention. Try not to look up or down, behind you or in front of you. Avoid comparing yourself to other mountaineers and or previous battles you yourself have won. Always remember, that if the 'now' you are experiencing is unpleasant, it will not last forever. 'Your current situation is not your final destination'. It's so simple to become overwhelmed by all of the challenges that may lie ahead, instead, try and place all of your energy in the task at hand. Try to deal with what life throws at you when it throws it!

Ask For Support
Ropes, maps, compasses, boots and oxygen are some of the many things that people need when they are climbing cliffs. We are the same, we can not climb our own mountains alone. We need help and support and that is ok. Talk to someone, reach out for advice, gain a different perspective, open up to support, choose to accept help. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of true and solid strength. Weakness is climbing mount Everest alone, barefoot and naked..oh and you also left your glasses at home! Now that's just silly, so how can we expect ourselves to do the same? 

Get Lost
'Not all those who wonder are lost'. Some of the most beautiful paths in life can not be discovered without getting lost. Perhaps you could take a step off the beaten track and try something different, something new, as you face your obstacles. It's ok to get lost and it's ok to feel scared, sometimes, it's even better to linger and immerse yourself in the journey for a while before you reach your final destination. You never know what you may discover about yourself and the world. Be open to new ideas and different paths. Take the road less travelled and who knows what may happen! Read my blog post 'Lose Yourself to Find Yourself' to gain a deeper insight into the value of feeling lost.

Enjoy the View
While progress is important, it isn't everything. Take time to relish in all you have achieved so far in your life. It can be so easy to get caught up in work, goals and projects that sometimes we forget to actually live. Find a balance between complacency and over exertion; work hard at school, college or work but also, in balance, relax and do things you love to rejuvenate and reward yourself. You deserve it, I promise. This is your blessing to please do something nice for yourself today.

The Final Destination 
Something I am recently beginning to understand is that the journey never ends; perhaps there is no final destination. What goes up most come down, when you think you have climbed your mountain, suddenly, you realise you have to crawl your way back down or maybe there's an even greater mound that needs mounting. I am trying to learn to accept that this is the process of life; you think nothing more could go wrong yet suddenly the Universe decides to upheaval your plans again or throw you a curve ball. Luckily, you get to decide whether you view these changes as tormenting or exciting! In Maslow's hierarchy of needs he expresses how as one need is fulfilled, us humans move on to try and fulfil the other. We are living on the constantly growing and evolving conveyer belt that is Earth and if we can come to accept and let go to the truth that uncertainty and change is the very essence of life itself and nothing is permanent then perhaps we can learn to enjoy experiencing the journey rather than worrying about the destination a little more! 

'Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.'

Please let me know any ways in which you have learned that help you climb your 'mountains'! I hope you enjoyed this post, please leave any suggestions or questions anonymously in the 'ASK' section of my blog and in the comments below. Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. Thank you so much for reading!

 lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x 

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