
The Gift of Giving

Friday, December 01, 2017

Happy December my lovelies!

 It's December 1st, Im writing this as I listen to Gavin James' version of Fairy Tale of New York overlooking the rising moon outside my window, with a cup of tea in hand. It can only mean one thing...Christmas is coming; the most wonderful time of the year!

 Whether you celebrate it or not, Christmas is such a beautiful time to spend meaningful moments with your loved ones and celebrate the true joy of life.

What if this Christmas we all decided to make a conscious effort to embrace the true values of Christmas; love, gratitude, kindness and selflessness? This winter I have decided to try my best to not just give presents but the more meaningful gifts of time, love and kindness to others.

Baby give it up give it up...(heheh that was for you Ciara)! You could purge your life this season, look through your wardrobe and clear off your shelves, ask yourself if all of these items are valuable to you and if maybe they would benefit someone else better. Charities such as Focus Ireland, St Vincent de Paul and the Simon Community are beyond welcoming of donations especially during these cold winter months and the saddening rise of homelessness on our streets. Perhaps you would rather donate a little of your spare change. Maybe instead of splurging on another new yankee Christmas candle (guilty as charge) you could put that money into a charity box or give some to those in greater need. You could also collect any pennies and small change in your car doors or coat pockets. An app I used to be obsessed with called 'Share the Meal' is such a quick and easy way of helping those in need. For just €0.40 you can supply a hungry child with a meal or for €2.80 a week full of dinners. It may mean sacrificing your morning cup of coffee but I promise it will grant both joy and gratitude upon to you and others.

The least expensive gift of all; your time. Spending time with your friends and loved ones, smiling at a stranger on the street or simply saying hello to someone in work who may seem a bit lonely may just become that person's little Christmas miracle. Have you ever had a really bad day where you end up questioning your faith in humanity but then suddenly a stranger's warmth brings you back down to earth again? Step out of your comfort zone; try being vulnerable and open to being present with those around you. Even asking 'how was your day' can make a person feel so valued and loved. You never know how much your kind words could change someones day, or life, for the better.

Random Acts of Kindness
RAK and roll baby. I've written about these before in my first ever blog post but let's sprinkle a bit of Christmas magic on our acts this season. Willingly be that person who spends four hours untangling the fairy lights, stay up with the little ones until the late hours of Christmas Eve searching for Santa in the sky, offer to stick the stamps on all of the 'Seasons Greetings' cards...something small and sweet but most definitely significant. 

It really wouldn't feel like Christmas unless you are running around town, hours before the big day, trying to find your sister that red lipstick she always wanted...or a similar situation heheh. This Noël, why not buy your loved ones a gift that not only gives to them but also others? Brands such as Lokai (beautiful bracelets), Toms and Feed give back to various charities and causes in their own unique ways. It's a win win situation for both the receiver and the giver.

Would it really be a peachy post if there wasn't something on gratitude? We may not celebrate Thanks Giving in these corners of the world but this time is such a perfect opportunity to reflect on all that you have in life and say thank you. You may send a sweet Christmas note to someone that has made your life a little brighter, maybe you would prefer to say a quite morning prayer of recognition or perhaps you'll treat you and your besties to shots of Sambuca over the many holiday nights out lol. After all thats happened in-between, you have made it to another Christmas, if that's not something to be grateful for then I don't know what is!

I hope you enjoyed the first of my Christmas posts and that you are able to try some of these simple sentiments out, let me know if you do! Please leave any suggestions or questions below in the comments or anonymously in the ASK section of my blog. Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. I hope you enjoyed!

lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x

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