If Tomorrow Never Comes

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

 Time Is Ticking

Time has a funny way of eerily slipping away from us; one day you're six years old playing with your forever best friend and the next day you're eighteen, passing that very same person without even looking up. I really don't know what is scarier; risks or regrets? Every single decision, choice and action you have made in your life has led you to this exact moment, molding you into the beautiful person that you are today, creating the foundation of which all of your human experiences were designed and built. And aren't you ok? After all the risks you took and memories of which you may regret, you survived, you're here and you are just fine. However, are you happy with what your thoughts and conducts have formed? Perhaps you may wish you had spoken more sweetly, smiled more generously or lived more daringly. Yet it’s ok, we assure ourselves; we have plenty of time, there will be another chance, we can try again tomorrow.

But what if tomorrow never comes?

What if suddenly your time runs out and all of your seemingly dispensable future moments become nothing but forgotten dreams and hopes? I remember two years ago debating whether I would go to a music festival with my friends. I decided to leave it off and promised I would next summer. Yet that following year, I sat in a hospital bed only a couple of miles away from the concert while everyone else seemed to be having the time of their life. I reassured myself that the summer of 2017 would be different, I would finally get there. Yet summer passed and like déjà vu I found myself watching friend's snapchat stories longing to be dancing and singing and living life, not confined to the old floral curtains of a hospital bed.

What if tomorrow never comes?

It's a scary but all too real thought. If today was to (hopefully not) be your last day to grace this earth, what would you do? We are all so guilty of offering others words of encouragement and advice; how we must cherish the sweetness and and shortness of life, how we should love with every beat of our hearts, how we should never waste a moment of our fleetingly precious time, but, it's hard. We can't always think that way. All of our words and actions may not always be greeted with, 'Oh of course, the human experience is temporary, why wouldn't she quit her stable job and leave her 'comfortable' life at home to chase a dream of a world that truly sets her soul on fire?' Wouldn't it be beautiful if we could all think like this? However, why are we allowing this fear of judgement hold us back from living a more authentic and vulnerable life? Do you want your last few breaths to be ones of 'what ifs' or 'at least I gave life with all my heart'

If tomorrow never came...
I would try to explain the depth of my love to each person I adore. I would hug my parents, sister, family and friends again and again and again. I would thank all of my real life angels for blessing my world. I would be honest with my feelings and my love. I would spend my night wrapped in blankets, lying on the grass, wishing upon each falling star that shoots by. I would apologise to those who I have hurt and upset. I would write to the person that I have been meaning to contact for so long. I would ignore all and any fears of rejection, failure and abandonment. I would dance and sing to my favourite songs. I would stop spending time with those who drain me of my light, energy and happiness. I would get up early to watch the sunrise. I would have my first cup of hot chocolate. I would wear my favourite dress and prettiest makeup that help make me feel like the most beautiful version of me. I would go to the beach and swim in the sea. I would drink chai tea with my sister and play a game of monopoly. I would smile more. I would be ok with being truly and authentically me.

What would you do?

You may wonder, what is stopping you and I from doing these things now? Really and truly, nothing! Just fear, doubt and uncertainty mixed with a sense of boundless immortality. 

There are less than 20 days until the earth completes its annual cycle around the sun, what if we decided to make these next coming days ones of courage, authenticity, risk-taking and freedom? Be honest with your feelings, your hopes, your dreams and desires. Why wait any longer when we may not have the luxury of pause? After all of the possibilities you pursued and memories you may still repent; you are still here, perhaps exactly where you were always meant to be. Let's promise ourselves that we will make our last few moments of 2017 full of risks or fulfilled regrets and not 'what ifs'. 

 'When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.'

What would you do if tomorrow never came? Feel free to let me know in the comments below or anonymously in the ASK section of my blog (it makes my day getting such kind lovely messages from you, it means the world that these posts are helping people). I hope this wasn't morbid but instead inspired a spark of joy and excitement within you!  Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. I hope you enjoyed!

lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x

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