
Peacefully Wild

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Human Contradiction

'There is peace, there is wild, there is both at the same time'.

Who are you? Are you man or woman, black or white, old or young, quiet or loud, strong or weak? Or are you both? What if there are no true limitations or boxes of which we must fit into? What if instead of black and white we are all just unique contrasting shadows of grey?
What if we are both?

'Go wild for a while, my moon child!' 
- Elle (fellow soul sister and crystal lover)

Recently I felt a bit paranoid over other's perhaps perceived notion of who I was, I was scared I wasn't fitting into an idealised standard of which I myself had created. There is part of my soul which loves meditating, sunrise yoga, nighttime journaling, exploring the world and reading self growth books with a cup of peppermint tea. But what if I told you that there is another part of my heart that craves dancing until the early hours of the morning, getting too drunk after one sip of alcohol, spending way too much money online shopping and having fun with my friends...how could that be? Shouldn't I be scouting charity shops and condemning support of the fashion industry? Shouldn't I be cleansing my soul with kale juice and avoiding all 'unnatural' forms of euphoria? Shouldn't I be practicing yogi backbends and helping the less fortunate in all of my spare time?

I started getting upset as to why I was allowing myself to listen to the parts of me which did not coincide with this idealised version of perfection which I believed I needed to be. I thought I needed to be one or the other, all 'peace' or all 'wild' yet the thought of either makes me feel extremely fraudulent and off balance. 

My beautiful sister reminded me that as humans we are not one or the other. We are allowed to have whatever proportion of characteristics within ourselves as we feel to be true. We may appear as a paradox of opposing beliefs but that is the beauty of humanity, we are messy creatures. The different sides of us are not mutually exclusive but are rather intertwined as one to create the uniquely stunning people that we are. Like yin and yang, we are entities that need balance. We need both the peace in the wild and the wild within the peace. Allowing yourself to find a balance between the perhaps contradictory states within you rather than tip-toeing on a tightrope is what will help you find contentment and comfort in who you are rather than trying to fit into a specific idealised standard of who you believe you should be. 

It is important to nurture every aspect of your self to create balance within your mind, body and soul. That may mean spending all week studying diligently and all weekend partying hard. It may ensue eating pizza and chips for dinner followed by a green juice to wash it all down. There is no right or wrong way to fulfil your heart's true needs and desires. You are you and that is your power!

I am starting to realise the importance of this; that I am me and you are you. I am the kind of girl who craves solitude yet who also adores spending time with others. Half of me is bursting with words yet the other half is awkwardly shy. I desire to live in the heart of Manhattan yet I want to build a tree house in the forests of Bali.

'This is the messiness of life; that we all carry multitudes, so must sit with the shifts. We are complicated creatures and ultimately, the balance comes from this understanding. Be water. Flowing, flexible and soft. Subtly powerful and open. Able to accept all changes, yet still led by the pull of steady tides. It is enough'. 

'Im the kinda girl that listens to gansta rap on the way to the farmer's market after yoga'...who are you? Please comment below how you balance the different yet beautiful aspects of your being. Thank you to Leah and Ellen for being my inspirations for this little wander of thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this post, please leave any suggestions or questions below or anonymously in the 'ASK' section of my blog. Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. Thank you so much for reading!

lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x 

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