
My Top Ten Self Growth Books

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Self Growth Books

I once read that those who read live a thousand lives before they die, while those that never read live only one. Reading is medicine for the soul, whether it is a gripping fiction (my
favourite is I Am Pilgrim) or a historic account, reading can transport you to many places while staying exactly where you are. Self growth/help books, though they are not as relaxing as Harry Potter, are something I enjoy. They really expand your awareness and perspective on life and help you to see a larger picture. Here are some books that I liked (in no particular order), including both heavy ones and some slightly smaller easier to digest reads. Happy reading!

The Happiness Project
This is the first 'self help' book I ever read. I asked for it for Christmas all the way back in 2011. I haven't read it since, but Gretchen Ruben's twelve month guide to becoming a happier you became the platform on which I started to develop a greater awareness for taking charge of your own life and happiness. She talks about how she became aware of ways in which she was sabotaging her joy and developed a simple personalised plan to achieve her full potential. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is starting out on their journey towards a more fulfilling life. 

Keep Calm and Carry On
This is a cute and sweet little motivational book that I often pull out and flick to a random page for some inspiration and hope. It contains many different quotes, proverbs and motivational boosts. One of my favourite reminders come from this petite guide, 'Don't worry about the world ending today, it's already tomorrow in Australia'.

Treasure Yourself
I got this book when I first became ill and it is the one thing that got little fourteen year old me back into a state of hope. Miranda Kerr has always been one of my biggest role models, she radiates a sense of peace, understanding and compassion. The book begins with a beautiful story of a caterpillar's transformation; in order to fly, the new butterfly must first struggle through its cocoon to strengthen its wings. Miranda discusses her life journey in the beginning of the book while the second half contains affirmations. It is a fantastic account for those who wish to incorporate affirmations into their life, it's also really pretty and gorgeously designed.

It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done
I found this book in my study a few months ago, it belongs to my dad but I really like it. Similarly to 'Keep Calm and Carry On', it contains many sayings and verses from inspirational people, ranging from Oprah to the Dalai Lama to Le Bron James. I really like opening it when I'm having a hard day for a boost of strength and willpower. 

The Secret
This book changed my life. I say this with full conviction and honesty as I really truly mean it. I first stumbled across the movie in August of last year and I then bought the book the following day. I saw the way it came into my life as a sign from the universe or God (whoever is up there!). It discusses the law of attraction and acts as a manual on how to incorporate it into your life. When I first heard about it I thought it was another one of those online gimmicks but something inside me told me to look into it a bit more. I've read the book several times since and I can whole heartedly say that I am a true believer in the law of attraction, that our thoughts truly do become things. I'm not going to lie and say it is easy to have complete faith in as for me I know my mind constantly doubts my intentions and the 'what ifs' creep in. I have manifested many things into my life (both good and bad) since grasping a greater understanding of the law of attraction but I am still learning a lot. This particular movie/book is a little out there and slightly old fashioned but it became the benchmark for which I further expanded my knowledge and awareness. It's not everyone's cup of tea, in fact some people think I'm a little crazy when I talk about it but others whole heartedly believe and trust in it too; it is working miracles for them and their happiness. There is many way in which you can learn about the law of attraction but I believe every single being should read this book, you have nothing to lose but perhaps everything to gain!

Big Magic
I bought this after reading my favourite novel 'Eat Pray Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is a fantastic piece of work that helps you connect to your inner creativity and develop a bond with 'inspiration'. Elizabeth is realistic, funny and down to earth in her approach which I find really helpful. Her concepts are enjoyable and more easy to grasp compared to other self help books. I really can't wait to read it again, it's a must buy for those who want to tap into their inner creativity and take the leap to follow their dreams. 

You Are Amazing
I received this book in a gorgeous parcel from my amazingly beautiful friend Leona a few months ago. I read it from start to finish when I opened her gift and it made me cry. It's really uplifting, light and encouraging. This little tool is brilliant to keep with you in your hand bag or school locker for some potent and touching words of self love and belief. Thank you Leona. (I can't find this online).

The Power of Now
Another life changing book. I found it thought provoking yet draining and quite difficult to read...but in a really good way. I've read this three times now, I learn something new and leave feeling different each time. I would advise studying it with a highlighter or pen to underline and pencil in anything that you feel resonates with you. Many of my friends and family members have read this, I truly believe it should be on school booklists as it really helps you put life in perspective and enables you to understand your role in your own suffering. 

The Little Book of Mindfulness
This little gem was gifted to me by another beautiful friend of mine. It is simplistic and authentic in its approach towards enlightenment and peace. It is another really handy guide as an introduction to mindfulness and can be opened on any page for some momentary wisdom! I would advise anyone who is beginning to experiment with their spirituality and inner happiness to perhaps invest in a few small guides like these to slowly but surely ease into it.

Heart Thoughts
Another book that a gorgeous friend got me, I'm so lucky! This is a stunningly designed text filled with affirmations of every kind and variation. Not only is it pleasant to look at, the affirmations are powerful, affirmative and bright. Many affirmations can be found online and you could opt to design or print your own. Saying that, this book is simply beautiful and a great option for those who prefer an easier and more robust access to inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed this post and that you may find a book for you! What are your favourite self growth books? There are so many more wonderful reads out there but I hope these few will suit a wide range of readers and learners.  Feel free to ask me any questions about these and blog requests in the comments below or anonymously in the ASK section of my blog.  Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts.

lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x

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