
Coping At Christmas

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Unwrapping the Heart and the Hurt of Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…apparently hehe. As we immerse ourselves in this magical whirlwind of twinkling lights, it’s important to embrace the gentle complexities the season brings. From the tender dance of managing expectations to the delicate balance of family dynamics and societal pressures, this season sings a symphony of stir. Together, let's unwrap strategies to cope—like cherished gifts—knowing that nurturing our hearts and minds is the true magic that can make this season so lovely.

Embracing the Essence 

Amidst the flurry of festive excitement, it's enchantingly easy to wander away from the heart of Christmas. Beyond the shimmering gifts and dazzling decorations, Christmas cradles a tender time for reflecting, cherishing the threads that bind us, and relishing the sweetness found in simple acts of compassion.

Reflecting on the essence of the holiday invites us to look beyond materialism. It's about rediscovering the beauty in moments that money can't buy—seconds spent with loved ones, sharing stories by the fireplace, and exchanging heartfelt conversations over a hot tea. It's in the laughter echoing through the house, the joy of giving without expecting anything in return, and the warmth of a hug that says more than words ever could.

Amidst these heart-stirring moments, the genuine magic of Christmas whispers its secrets— the boundless generosity of spirit and the threads of authenticity that weave our connections. As we immerse ourselves in these heartfelt encounters, we rediscover the timeless essence of Christmas: a sanctuary for love, a haven for compassion, and a canvas that paints the full splendour of human connections.

Sitting with Sadness 

In the tender embrace of the Christmas season, acknowledging and embracing sadness is part of our human journey. Reminiscing on past celebrations, longing for departed loved ones, and ruminating in lost rituals can evoke a sorrow so profound and seemingly stark in contrast to the environment of joy encapsulating us. Whether it's the echoes of traditions or realising time's gentle changes, these emotions linger amidst celebration.

Honouring these feelings of loss holds profound beauty and significance. It's a recognition of grief's layers—the space left by loved ones, treasured traditions, and a reshaped future. It's okay to sit with these delicate emotions and even allowing them into our celebrations. It speaks of our deep love for what once was and never will be again.

Within this embrace of sorrow lies an opportunity to weave new, heartwarming traditions. Crafting new customs becomes a bridge in connecting our past and future. Perhaps this looks like spending time sharing stories of a past loved one or incorporating fragments of your favourite childhood memory into your season today (absolutely leaving a carrot outside for Rudolph on the 24th heheh). It’s cherishing memories whilst embracing new experiences. This blend offers a pathway to healing—a haven where sorrow and hope intertwine, letting us honour the past whilst stepping forward with courage and hope.

Savouring Simplicity 

Amidst the flurry of holiday bustle, there's a tender grace in simplifying our Christmas approach. Keeping it simple and sweet isn't about diluting the magic; rather, it's about embracing the heart of the season. Choosing intimate gatherings over a flurry of events allows us to bask in quality time with cherished loved ones. It's in the handwritten notes, the homemade treasures, and the unhurried conversations that the soul of Christmas resides. Discovering joy in these sincere gestures magnifies the beauty of emotional connections over material abundance. This simplicity fosters gratitude for the small wonders—the laughter, shared moments, and genuine connections that define the holiday spirit. As we opt for simplicity, we unwrap the genuine beauty of Christmas—sellotaped in love, gratitude, and the authenticity of simplicity's embrace.

Make it Yours 

Defining your holiday happiness is a tenderly personal journey that dances with the rhythm of your heart amidst the festive beat. It's a gentle acknowledgment that there's no universal formula for celebration, and that's more than okay.

Embracing your unique preferences means cherishing what truly ignites your spirit during this season. Whether it's the warmth of cozy evenings with close friends, the delight of baking festive treats, or finding tranquility in a solitary stroll through a serene winter wonderland, honouring these preferences becomes the melody that orchestrates your holiday experience.

Equally crucial is embracing the notion of skipping activities that don't resonate with your soul's joy. It's granting yourself the kindness to navigate traditions or gatherings that feel, or perhaps are, obligatory but genuinely do not spark happiness. Whether it's bustling crowds, an overwhelming Christmas-jumper-jammed pub (not a mind 12 lol), or any activity that doesn’t align with your spirit. Discovering a balance that works for you or opting out completely can create space for a more fulfilling holiday.

By defining what brings you joy, you gift yourself the power to shape this season according to your inner desires and values. It's a journey of authenticity and self-nurturing; infusing joy, significance, and a sense of peace into this cherished time of the year.


Nurturing your inner child beckons you to rediscover the gentle magic that once filled your heart with boundless wonder, allowing you to nurture the innocence and excitement of childhood once more. Jigsaws, board games, movies, colouring books, Nintendo games, novels…they all are an opportunity to embrace the carefree innocence often buried under the weight of grown-up responsibilities.

Rediscovering those activities that spark childhood joy holds the key to immense happiness and the enchanting power to transport you to a time when bliss bubbled in the simplest of pleasures, whilst whispering a gentle reminder of the pure timeless infinite happiness that still resides within.

Gift yourself the magic of reliving those moments filled with unbridled happiness, allowing the enchantment of the season to wrap around you like a cozy blanket, enveloping playful fascination and appreciation.

Family and Foes 

Navigating family dynamics during the holiday season can be a beautiful yet intricate dance. It's a delicate balance between nurturing connections and gently managing potential tensions that may arise.

Approaching family gatherings with empathy, patience and attentive listening is imperative to peace both in your home and in your heart. Recognising that each family member brings unique experiences and viewpoints can allow ourselves to breathe when we find our anxieties heightened and our breath shortening, suddenly catapulted back in time to our younger selves, the childhood narrative rewriting. Fostering an atmosphere of open communication and mutual respect allows differences to coexist harmoniously, steering away from tension-filled moments. Reminding yourself that you cannot change anyone but you can change the way in which you perceive and interact with others can set both you and your loved ones free. When you look at another and see their engrained life scripts, their abandoned inner child and their lonesome confused adult self, you can gain compassion..suddenly their actions, words and behaviours generate explanation. Also remembering that we too, more likely than not, will be someone who hurts, upsets, frustrates or triggers someone this season also. Granting ourselves and others grace is the gateway.

Explanation, however, does not always garner excuse. Setting gentle boundaries becomes vital in fostering a peaceful atmosphere. Articulating personal limits with respect ensures misunderstandings are minimised. Whether it's about certain topics for discussion or the duration of interactions, acknowledging and communicating these boundaries prioritises emotional well-being amidst the festive fun. This is easier said than done and as a people pleaser, seemingly impossible, but with one whispered gentle ‘no’ at a time, we can learn to protect ourselves and others from our sometimes unhinged reactions.

Managing expectations adds a sprinkle of realism to family gatherings. Embracing imperfections and cherishing shared moments of joy fosters a more relaxed ambiance. There will be arguments, there will be touchy subjects, there will be boredom, disappointment and sadness but there will also be love, joy, connection, peace and tenderness. Instead of chasing perfection, focusing on genuine connections can alleviate undue pressure, creating space for a more serene atmosphere.

Remember, family is as diverse as the snowflakes outside. Creating your own definition of family is precious. This might include close friends, chosen family, or even cherished community members. Embracing this diversity allows for a celebration that honours the unique bonds and connections in your life.

Employing these gentle strategies transforms family dynamics during the holidays into opportunities for deeper understanding and connection. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, fostering meaningful interactions and shared experiences despite potential differences.


Choosing to shimmy away from Christmas comparisons is liberating oneself from societal pressures, inviting a more genuine and fulfilling experience. Breaking away from the comparison trap begins by understanding that the picture-perfect scenes portrayed in social media (so guilty of trying to portray this myself!!) or movies may not mirror the reality of everyone's holiday season. Embracing this truth helps release the pressure to emulate an idealised version of the holidays to instead discover the beauty that lies in our own uniquely authentic experiences.

As the holiday season unwraps, it's a gentle reminder to treasure the moments weaving themselves into our memories. It's not about lavish gifts or flawless celebrations, but the warmth of sincere connections and heartfelt experiences. Amidst the challenges and joys, navigating this festive season can be a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and embracing the true essence of the holidays. As we journey forward through this season, let's carry with us the lessons of self-care, mindfulness, and the beauty of authenticity. May the spirit of kindness, love, and togetherness that graces these festive moments continue to brighten our days beyond, reminding us that joy resides in simple gestures and genuine connections long beyond a singular day.

May this season bring you the love, joy, peace and the abundance you so endlessly deserve. If you are braving a strong smile throughout this season, may time pass through you leaving only renewed strength, courage and hopefully even the simplest sliver of solace. I am holding your hand if things feel not so magical right now, you are not alone. As I write this, it is the shortest day of the year; the days are getting longer now, the sun is lingering, the birds are returning, the air is softening. Seasons come and go but the beauty, strength and resilience that you have fostered to make it this far has never faltered. Please allow yourself grace and awe to relish in that. You are a wonder. 

Merry Christmas,

Lauren x

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