
Vision Boarding

Friday, April 05, 2019

Manifest Your Dream Life

What is your dream? What is your heart's deepest desire? What is your secret soul's wish? I love to dream, to imagine and to hope with all my heart in the endless possibilities of which the future holds.   A vision board is something that helps you to recognise, realise and manifest your goals and dreams while they are also so fun to make an incredibly uplifting and inspiring. My ask of you is to make yours; to become the divine designer of your own reality. Let's manifest together. This is a bit of a different more practical post but the law of attraction is something I am really passionate about and would love to delve deeper into so I do hope you enjoy. Here are somethings I learned in my creation process that I hope may help you too! 

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Deepest Dreams
There is no dream too big or small, too close to hand or too out of reach. Everything is possible. Every thing in this universe was once just a thought in someones mind. You, the beautiful soul reading this, were once just a figment of one's imagination and now hear you are, manifested into reality. When we realise that the concept of impossibility is just a mental restriction we build around our authentic agency, we begin to understand just how limitless and powerful our true potential may be. Do you want to become the president? Do you dream of walking the moon? Do you wish to become a multi millionaire? The future is in the hands of you, its creator; no matter your past or present. Gary Vaynerchuck is one of my biggest inspirations; as a poor young struggling Russian immigrant, who failed in school and never attended college, he defied all odds and is now one of the richest most influential entrepreneurs in the world. He didn't let his past or present circumstances define him. He new what he wanted and he didn't let anything stop him or deter his dreams. When thinking about what you want to put on your vision board, write, plan and research as if everything and anything is conceivable. Refuse all limits and strive to defy all boundaries. Quieten your mind, listen to the whispers of your heart, tend to the sighs of your soul. Envision your dream ideal self. I love this 15 minute visualisation meditation, it is absolutely breathtaking and so helpful in figuring out what you may really want. That is who you are, nothing less but certainly capable of being anything and everything more.  Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says 'I'm possible'.

Everyone giggles when I tell them but my dream car is a white Land Rover Defender lol. I can't wait for summer road trips and winter adventures.

Magical Memories
Something that I added to my vision board, which I found really helps me in visualisations and in truly believing my desired reality, is the use of memories. What is a past moment that holds so much joy, energy, happiness and love for you? Do you have a memory which embodies magical abundance? Have you ever had a deep dream or desire realised into your past reality? Use such past moments on your vision board. Perhaps a simple word, a photo or a token could be used. Interconnecting these with your ambitions will help in the creation of that feeling of ownership, that feelings of 'it's already mine'. Intermixing true histories and future desires will aid in assuring certainty and trust that all that you want is already yours.

I am seeing my favourite group 'First Aid Kit' perform this Summer eeeeek and having this forthcoming fantasy on my vision board helps me so much in believing that every other desire is just around the corner too.

Forthcoming Fantasies
Similar to magical memories, have you any forthcoming fantasies that you know are definitely coming true? Perhaps it is certain that you will attend your favourite musician's concert this summer or maybe you have those flights to New York booked and paid for. These dreams are happening and there is nothing that could stop them. Such feelings of true confidence and trust will transmute into your consciousness when gazing at your future desires and help gain further courage in your creative abilities.

Enjoy this process! Creating your dream life should be fun, exciting and playful. It doesn’t have to be perfect, in fact, the more authentic and unique your vision board is, the better, as it is a truer reflection of your unique heart and soul. Cut, paint, clip, colour, copy, draw, sing, dance it out..heheh. This is your unique journey and your unique creation process. I spent weeks listening to dream life visualisations followed by hours on Pinterest listening to binaural beats and it felt like all my dreams came true already; I loved it! What will your creation process entail?

So many images embody recovery for me. This one in particular overwhelms me with hope. I can't wait to be smiling and laughing while eating a pizza.

Embrace the Emotions
The magic of vision boards aren’t just in their creation, there is also beauty in their acquisition. Some teachers advise to ask and let go; to forget your board only to find it tucked away years later, dusty and covered in cob webs, overwhelmed with the realisation that everything has come true. I love watching such videos on youtube like this one by Eric Ho. Others preach that we should hold our future happenings in a prominent place in our lives where we will see it every day in both awareness and subconsciousness . I personally like to have in view as it gives me a boost of happiness and hope whenever I look at it. Also, through this method of unconscious manifestation, I manifested many things like my Leaving Cert results, holidays and beautiful serendipitous moments (comment below or message me if you would like a blog post on my manifestation success stories). Staring at your board is great but, if you really want to reap faster fruits from the seeds you have sewn, you need to gaze through the eyes of grace. When you think about it, all of those things you want and desire are to fulfil one very important universal aspiration; pure raw unadulterated happiness. That’s all that anybody wants, ever. Will you feel bored when you finally make your first million? Will you feel lonely when you fall in true requited love? Will you feel shy and scared when you’re on stage singing to a crown of thousands? NO! You will feel joy, abundance, love, glee, ecstasy, excitement and most of all pure, hypnotic, overflowing happiness. Through embodying all of the emotions, of which underneath the outwardly desires are what your heart truly craves, in both the creation process and beyond, you will accelerate the gaining process and also raise your current vibrations, gaining an early insight into what your reality will soon be!! Embed your emotions onto paper, cement your sentiments through words, thoughts, actions and beliefs and watch what may just happen.

Freelance creator and entrepreneur on the way heheh fingers crossed!

This last piece came to me only weeks after finishing my vision board. Upon reflection and daily day dreams, I realised just how far away some of my dreams truly are. It made me sad but it woke me up. If you truly know me you will know that I could be described as a bit of a (or major) dreamer. Coupled with the fact that I’m a perfectionist and tend to gravitate towards black and white thinking (both a work in progress), I realised ‘oh my gosh what am I doing with my life why am I in college why am I in Ireland why am I not writing more why haven’t I started creating my own business yet why am I not trying to meet my future husband yet why why why...’ lol. While at the moment, the life I’m leading isn’t exactly my current envisioned life (a life full of health, happiness, financial abundance, success, freedom, love, travel etc), the place in where I stand is in fact the path I would have dreamed of a few years ago. Aged 16 I would have dreamed of having beautiful friends (check), studying my dream college course (check), travelling (check), trying to help others (check), artistically expressing myself (check), in a better place in recovery (check), independent (check), having fun (check), more confident within myself (check), feeling truer to myself, my heart and my soul (check..still getting closer and closer but hopefully the true real Lauren will feel integrated and in pure peace soon). Upon this realisation I reminded myself that yes, my dream life does seem a little out of reach and unattainable right now, but, every lesson learned, book I’ve read and video I’ve watched has taught me that as spiritual beings we need only be concerned with the whats and the whys..not the hows. With a certain trust and belief in my future, does it matter where I am now, as long as where I am now is a place of somewhat happiness, content and most importantly growth? Let the universe/God/the spirits (whatever you hold faith in, if anything) worry about how they will align the stars around your desires..just keep listening to your heart. Journey through every choice, action, word, thought, smile and breath with love and peace. Question ‘what would I like, what would make me happiest now' and your path will carve its own way. What if in 4 years time I realise that through choosing, in every moment, what my heart and soul desires most, all of these current dreams unfolded beautifully, unexpectedly and all while succumbing to the process. Follow what makes you happy and peaceful and at ease now and all will work out. 'Don't think, it complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home, the follow its path'.

While this process is so fun, uplifting and enriching, it is in no way a method of disregarding true pain, hardships or current circumstances. Sometimes certain ways of thinking are so engrained in our brains that it takes a little more than even proven manifestations to heal us. Hopefully through continued success we may all learn to use adapt and apply such teachings to all and every aspect of our lives. While you may not feel you can manifest your way out of illness, debt, trauma or pain, this process will absolutely add value and happiness to your life. Try it, your dreams just may come true.

Happy, carefree, in love with life and easily living in bliss; in body, soul and mind.

I would so love to see your own creations if you take part in this fun little process. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions or tell me how you got on if you completed your vision board in the comments below or you can message me on social media (it makes my day getting such kind lovely messages from you, it means the world that these posts are helping people).  Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. I hope you enjoyed!

'Everything seemed possible, when I looked through they eyes of a child. And every once in a while; I remember, I still have the chance to be that wild.'

lots of love & peace & happiness
Lauren x

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