The Recipe For Happiness
'When navigating wellness, wholeness, fullness, and vitality, it really all equates to simple and ongoing nourishment, and nourishment is essentially the quickest route to a greater understanding of ourselves, which leads to greater understanding of all other things.'
happiness is...
Perhaps the most overlooked element to every being, it's only when we are lacking in the pastas and potatoes of life do we realise just how vital they are to our existence. These are the building blocks that provide the essential foundation on which our happiness can be built; the basics we need for human survival. Do you have a comfortable and safe living space? Are you sleeping properly? Have you fed and watered yourself well today? Do you have access to clean, fresh air? Are you clean, rested and maintaining good hygiene? Hopefully you are already satisfying these basic needs or maybe there's a little something that needs working on. Perhaps the reason you always seem to feel irritable and down until lunch time is because you stayed up until 4am watching Netflix (we're all guilty heheh). How can we expect our selves to reach the peak of prosperity if we aren't even fully awake to do so? Start with the basics and the rest will slowly fall into place.
It fills us up and helps us grow, makes us stronger and helps to protect us from pain; it is essential to our existence. This is the love, the friendship, the common bonds, the laughter, the shared connection, the smiles. The longing for affection, acceptance and a sense of belonging have been scientifically proven as an intrinsic part of survival for every mammal on this earth; even that little bird outside your window is craving a cute companion to glide the skies with. A person whom you can share your highest of highs and lowest of lows, reveal your deepest thoughts, share the most magical experiences and create the most beautiful memories with. We all need someone; a love, a friend, a neighbour or maybe even a cat heheh. As strong as you feel and as complete as you may be, we all need to be able to give, receive and share love.
Fruit and Veggies
'The idea is to live your life in a way that makes you feel lit up. Alive. Full fledged. Beautiful. Know and find what nourishes you inside out, bones to skin and then build your world from that alone. All else is not part of your revolution. Or your ultimate evolution'. They nourish our soul, kindle our spirit and alight our senses. These are the things which truly set our hearts alight. Painting, reading, singing, gardening, gaming, skipping, Netflix-ing...anything can be your passion if it helps to fulfil your purpose. Maybe you are still exploring the elements and discovering the perfect combination of vitamins and minerals which will enable you to flourish. There is something out there for everyone, keep trying new things! If you are aware of what makes you feel good, it is important to love and respect yourself enough to carve out time in your life for this passion. After all, if you want to give light to others you have to be able to glow first.
Sugar and Spice
'I don’t think existence wants you to be serious. I have not seen a serious tree. I have not seen a serious bird. I have not seen a serious sunrise. I have not seen a serious starry night. It seems they are all laughing in their own ways, dancing in their own ways. We may not understand it, but there is a subtle feeling that the whole existence is a celebration.' Spice up your life! I'm still learning that all work and no play leads to a life of which one may be content with, but, personally I find a little bit bland. Sometimes you need a daring wonder and a magical wander to cleanse the taste of normality from your buds. Party with your friends on a Monday night, take a spontaneous midnight adventure to the beach, travel to Iceland and view the northern lights, surprise your friend with her favourite flowers, tell someone you love them, do something fun to sweeten your spirit.
Water...or Wine
The very one thing our bodies are incomplete without, the essence of our being whether you have nothing or everything; hope. Writing this reminded me of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, where at the very top lies the final but forever unattainable need, the one of which we will never fully reach but keeps pushing us further towards greater heights of bliss; self actualisation. The drive to chase your goals and fulfil your dreams. The will to explore your tastes and unravel your mind. The innate belief that you can change, grow, evolve, wonder.
'When we nourish ourselves with good people, projects, surroundings, scenery, love, magic, beauty and self-care, we radiate light into the world and continually sharpen our vision, perception, and clarity all at once. This in turn spreads to other beings which then spreads to more. Remember that one tiny drop can raise an ocean. Keep wanting. Desiring. Doing. Breathing in the sweet things.'
What nourishes your soul? What do you need to fill your belly and satiate your heart? Feel free to let me know in the comments below or anonymously in the ASK section of my blog (it makes my day getting such kind lovely messages from you, it means the world that these posts are helping people). I hope this post gave you a deeper understanding on the role you can play in creating and cultivating the happiest and most successful version of you. Click here to subscribe to my newsletter for updates on new blog posts. I hope you enjoyed!
lots of love & peace & happinessLauren x